i-Connect provides reports containing additional information to support each monthly submission. All reports are retained for one month, then automatically deleted. If you wish to keep the reports for longer, you can download them.
How to view i-Connect reports
To view all available auto-generated reports, select the ‘Reports’ icon on the i-Connect Dashboard, then ‘Auto Generated Reports’.
The following reports are available:
Contribution Reconciliation Report - Manually Generated
This report provides a breakdown by Scheme, Employer, Payroll and Payroll Period, for the financial values included in the data submissions.
Submission Transaction Report - Manually Generated
This report provides a breakdown of each i-Connect event by Scheme, Employer, Payroll and Payroll Period. Totals are provided for the following items:
- Members Submitted
- Members Omitted
- Events Completed
- Events in Error
- Suppressed Events
- Event Totals
Submission Error Report - Manually Generated
This report enables Administering Authorities to collate all Event Errors in a convenient CSV (comma-separated values) format, by Scheme, Employer, Payroll and Payroll Period. Totals are provided for the following items:
- Members Submitted
- Members Omitted
- Events Completed
- Events in Error
- Suppressed Events
- Event Totals
Matching Report – Automatically Generated
This report provides details of all matched members for the selected payroll. It is automatically generated at the end of the matching process.
Contributions Summary Report – Automatically Generated
This report provides a breakdown of the employee and employer contributions that have not been updated on the target system due to either validation or event errors. Your fund will use this to balance contributions.
How to generate i-Connect reports
You can generate one of the three manually generated reports, if you have the Manager or Reporter role.
- Select ‘generate report’ to start.
- Choose the relevant report to go to the ‘Report Parameters’ page.
- Enter the payroll period dates.
- Search for and select the employers you wish to generate a report for.
- Click ‘generate report’ to download the CSV file.
Find out how to produce Strain Cost Calculation Reports.
More information can be found in the i-Connect Reporting Guide (PDF, 2.4MB)