Functionality has been introduced within i-Connect to enable the submission of final pay via a task on the dashboard.
When an employee leaves the LGPS; the Avon Pension Fund requires a calculation of their final pay under the 2008 scheme definition where they were a member of the LGPS prior to 1st April 2014.
“The final pay/ notional final pay for the above purposes is usually calculated on the pay the member earned in the previous 12 months and is a full time equivalent figure, meaning that employers will need to up-rate this to a full-time equivalent figure in cases where the member was employed on a part-time basis during the calculation period.
The final pay figure is also based on a different definition of pay than is used for career average purposes and so whilst it will include elements such as contractual-overtime, non-contractual overtime is not to be included in the figures. If an employee’s pay in the final pay period dropped due to sickness or due to the member being on relevant child-related leave, APP does not apply for these purposes – instead the full-time equivalent pay the member would have otherwise received should be used.”
Tasks will now be created upon submission of a leave date in i-Connect for posts that meet certain criteria. Upon creation of a task, an email will be sent to assigned users to advise final pay tasks are awaiting completion. Tasks are broken down by payroll, and therefore if a user has several payrolls assigned to them, task summaries for all payrolls will appear on the dashboard.
To process the task: The final pay and final pay date fields should be completed, and the ‘ready to submit’ box ticked.
i-Connect will run a daily check for posts where the final pay task is still outstanding 14 days after the submission of a leave date. At this point a reminder email will be sent to the assigned users – only one email will be sent per day regardless of the number of members identified as overdue.
In circumstances where leaver forms are required, the task will still require completion.
Access to the final pay task: To enable a user to access the final pay task, they will require an additional role of Final Pay Submitter to be assigned to their user profile. All i-Connect users who have ‘Document Uploader’ access will automatically be given this new role. If you require any additional users to have this access, please contact us.