In a move to streamline data submission processes, i-Connect has been designated as the primary platform for remittance information related to contributions. This change follows the removal of the LGPS50 form, a decision aimed to alleviate the burden on employers who previously had to submit duplicate data.
If there is a difference between your monthly i-Connect submission and the actual payment we receive, you must complete a Submission reconciliation form.
This form is required to allow the Finance team to correctly allocate your payments, failure to do this can affect your future contribution rates.
If the difference is for deficit or surplus only, then the form is not required.
You will need to complete a Submission reconciliation form if the differences are due to:
- Leavers in the period which are not included within your i-Connect submission.
- Deficit element included within employer contributions for FRS Accounting purposes, but not actually paid to the fund.
- Back pay.
- Prior period adjustments.
- Omitted lines (other reasons than above which would be included in the total payment made).
Your i-Connect data submission should be completed before payment is made unless:
- You are a unitary employer with outsourced payrolls.
- You are an employer unable to upload to i-Connect for over two months.