In the LGPS, there is no waiting period for death in service benefits. Members and their dependants are covered from day one of active membership. As the employer, you must notify Avon Pension Fund immediately if your employee passes away.

Benefits payable in cases of death in service

If an active member dies during employment, the pension benefits payable are: 

  • A death grant of three times the member’s assumed pensionable pay (calculated as for ill health or absences).
  • Partner pension for a spouse, civil partner or qualifying co-habiting partner. 
  • Dependent child/children’s pension - where they meet the criteria.

The Avon Pension Fund has absolute discretion over who receives the death grant. The employee may have completed an expression of wish form, which will be considered when deciding who to pay the death grant to. It may take some time to establish the correct recipient(s), but it is important to make the right decision based on all circumstances.

How to report the death of an employee

Report the death of an employee to the Fund as soon as possible to ensure timely payment of benefits.

You can tell us by completing the leaver form for death in employment and uploading the completed PDF form to the employee’s i-Connect record.

You don’t need to upload a death certificate immediately; you can upload it later using the ‘upload death certificate’ option.

Death in employment leaver form

What happens next?

Once we have been notified, Avon Pension Fund will contact all the relevant parties and forward on the necessary forms. We will also explain the benefits available and if needed, request any additional information.