i-Connect is an employer portal used to send employee information to Avon Pension Fund very month. i-Connect allows you to upload pension documents directly to an employee record within our administration system.

Documents you must upload to the Fund using i-Connect

Leaver forms (Over 55, Ill health and Death)

  • Leaver - Death in employment
  • Leaver - Ill health retirement
  • Leaver - LGPS 17A Ill Health Medical Certificate
  • Leaver - Voluntary retirement
  • Leaver - Deferred pension rights
  • Leaver - Flexible retirement
  • Leaver - Redundancy and efficiency retirement
  • Leaver - Retirement with employer consent
  • Leaver - Employee age 75
  • Leaver - Revised leaver information

Ill health retirements must be uploaded with an ill health certificate.

A death in employment form must be uploaded in all death in service cases. You don’t need to upload a death certificate immediately; you can upload it later using the ‘upload death certificate’ option.

Find out how to prepare a leaver form for i-Connect document upload

Opting out forms 

  • Opt out - Over 3 months
  • Opt out - Payroll refund
  • Opt out - No contributions (Only applicable if employee has an i-Connect record)

Find out about what to tell us when an employee opts out of the LGPS

Additional forms available to upload

  • LGPS 23 Estimate request form
  • LGPS 10 Election to opt into the LGPS 50/50 section
  • APC03 Notification Form

How to upload employee documents to i-Connect

  1. Sign in to i-Connect and go to the payroll dashboard.
  2. Find your employee by typing their NI number in the member search.
  3. The search results will list all the active records we hold for that member. You can identify the correct record using the ‘payroll reference’ which refers to the pension reference you use. Once you’ve identified the correct employment, you’re ready to upload your document.
  4. Select ‘upload leaver documents’ if submitting a leaver form, or ‘upload active member documents’ for other documents.
  5. Follow the prompts on screen and locate the relevant files and click ‘upload’.
  6. Check the progress by clicking ‘view document history’. Once a submission is complete, the document status on the member record will change to ‘complete’.